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VMML Workshop 2024

Visualization in the Moment of Machine Learning

We are happy to invite you to attend the 1st Workshop on Visualization in the Moment of Machine Learning (VMML). VMML 2024 will be held on October 1st as part of SIBGRAPI 2024 in Manaus, the Amazon state capital, taking place from September 30th to October 3rd.

The workshop will discuss challenges and opportunities in the context of visualization and machine learning (ML), such as: What should the role of visualization be after the first era of machine learning? Can visualization support further development of human thinking, as a countermeasure against ML-induced laziness and degeneration of the mind? What are the best ways to merge machine learning and visualization? How can visualization help schools and education in this era?

Answers to these questions can help reshape the role of visualization research and how it will impact industry and society. The workshop aims to gather researchers, students, and visualization practitioners to identify issues and elaborate possible ways for their solutions.

The workshop is structured into three sessions, of which the first one aims to collect issues, the second collects possible solutions to the identified issues, and in the third session, a document (white paper) will be set up for publication.

Tentative Workshop Schedule

Session 1

13:30: Opening and panelists' discussion initiation

14:00: Collection of issues

14:40: Elaboration of solutions I

15:00: Break & offline discussion

Session 2

15:20: Elaboration of solutions II

15:35: Document writing I

16:00: Break & offline discussion

Session 3

16:15: Document writing II

16:55: Closing

Confirmed Panelists

Claudio Silva


Carla Freitas

UFRGS, Brazil

Maria Cristina F. Oliveira

ICMC/USP, Brazil

Jan Rummel

Heidelberg University, Germany

Alex Telea

Utrecht University, The Netherlands